Our Care
We understand that moving into a care home is a big decision and there are concerns about the ‘unknown’. This website is designed to provide you with useful information and reassurance but if we have left anything out please do not hesitate to contact us. You will find our details by clicking on the ‘Contact Us’ tab.
Where you live should live should not change how you live your life. We offer:
Dementia Care
Palliative Care
Short stay (respite care)
Home for Life (permanent care)
Food and drink are important for your current and future wellbeing. You can choose where you wish to eat and drink. Some residents enjoy meeting for meals in the dining room and socialising, others prefer the privacy of eating alone. Wherever you choose to eat your meal, requests and preferences will be catered for and assistance provided for you to enjoy a home cooked meal. If you are used to a special diet, we will continue to provide it for you. We will support you to eat a variety of foods and assist you in maintaining your preferred weight.
Meals and snacks are routinely provided for all residents at notable times of the day- breakfast, mid-morning, lunch, mid-afternoon, tea and supper. Food is available 24 hours a day so if you wish to eat outwith these times. A variety of hot and cold drinks will be served to you throughout the day and accessible to you day and night.
It is our priority to keep you in the best of health. Our staff are trained to look out for symptoms of illness. When we spot symptoms, we will talk to you about how you feel, and seek medical advice accordingly. During periods of illness you can be assured that you will be well looked after. We understand that your health is very important, and we are committed to making sure that you are comfortable and pain free. You will be involved in making decisions about your care and will have the opportunity to meet or talk to the doctor.
If you are using the services of District nurses, Dieticians, Chiropodists, Dentists, Community Psychiatric Nurses etc this will continue as all are regular visitors to the care home and they will continue to take care of your needs. There may be occasions when you have to go into hospital. At these times we will make sure that we will notify your next of kin, provide medical staff with the information they need about you and pack up an overnight bag should you need it.
You will probably be used to taking medication and if you wish to self-medicate you may continue, if it is safe for you to do so. If you would prefer the staff to help you with your medication and check that it is taken safely we will do this.
We understand the need to keep mind and body active and offer you an opportunity to participate in a number of activities including but not exhaustive: concerts, trips to local attractions, hairdressing, pampering, indoor games, bingo, baking, sensory experiences, religious services pet therapy, bird feeding and dancing. You are able to participate in activity planning and all new ideas are welcomed.
If you already have regular hobbies or interests, you will be supported to maintain these whether within the care home or in the community.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, we would be delighted to answer them for you. The best way of getting a feel for St Serfs is to come and visit.